Working with View Grids

A view is a saved setting that displays selected columns of item information on a grid. You can use grids to display, sort, and filter information.

If you right-click on a grid column heading, a menu of options displays. Click here for more information.

If you right-click on a grid check box, a menu of options displays. Click here for more information.

The following table describes how you can work with grids. All of these options, along with others, are also available from the menu that displays when you right-click a column heading.


If you want to...

Do this

Autosize a column

Place your cursor on the column heading of the column you want to size. Move your cursor to the right of the column heading, over the line that divides this column from the next one. The cursor changes to a double arrow, then double-click to size the column.

Change the font size

On the right side of the grid, click to expand the font size in the grid. Or, click to reduce the font size in the grid.

Export data

Export to Excel:  On the right side of the grid, click to start Microsoft Excel. Then you can export data in the grid to an Excel spreadsheet.

Export to a CSV file: right click on any column heading, select Control Panel, then select Export to CSV File.

Export to an HTML file:right click on any column heading, select Control Panel, then select Export to HTML File.


On the right side of the grid, click to graph the grid.

Maximize or minimize the grid

On the upper right side of the grid, click to maximize the number of rows that display. Click to return to the original number of rows.

Move columns

Click the column you want to move and hold the mouse button. Then, drag the column to its new location and release the mouse button.

Open another view

On the right side of the grid, click to display the Open View window. Select one of the views in the list and click Open.


On the right side of the grid, click to print the information displayed in the grid.

Scroll horizontally

Click the horizontal scroll bars at the bottom of the grid to view columns that may be off the window to the left or the right.

Scroll vertically

Click the vertical scroll bars on the right of the grid to view rows that may not be currently be displayed.

Size columns

On the column you want to size, click and hold the mouse button on the vertical line at the side of the column heading. Drag the line to its new location and release the mouse button.

Sort information in a column

Double-click the column heading to sort information from low to high values. Double-click again to sort from high to low values.