Amt of Purch Hist

Amount of Purchase History.

Multistore: This field is store-specific.

Use this field on the Codes tab of Inventory Maintenance to specify how much purchase history to keep for this item. Purchase history can be kept for a specific period of months or for a specific number of purchases. The number you enter here indicates months or purchases depending on what you enter in Options Configuration (or Function MIC). If the Amount of Purchase History field in Options Configuration is set to M, then the number you enter here indicates months. If the field is set to P, then it indicates purchases.

0 = Do not keep purchase history for this item.

1-60 = Keep purchase history for the number of      months/purchases in this field. The maximum number you can enter is 60.

blank = Use the default. The default comes from the Amount of Purchase History field in Options Configuration (or Function MIC).  

You can use the Purchase History Viewer to display this information in POS and in Inventory Maintenance.