Looking Up ItemsParts in the Inventory Viewer

Use the Inventory Viewer to look up itemsparts in your inventory (a "high performance" inventory viewer is also available; click here for more information).

You can use a variety of lookup methods, including Description, Department, Class, Fineline, and Vendor. You can access the Inventory Viewer from Inventory Maintenance, POS, Business Advisor, or Purchasing and Receiving.

When you invoke the Inventory Viewer from the Inventory Maintenance window, the system performs certain automatic lookups depending on where your cursor is located at the time. If you click Viewer when your cursor is in the Item ( SKU Part ) field with an SKU displayed, the system launches the viewer by Item Number, carrying in the SKU Part of the displayed item. If your cursor is in the Description field when you click Viewer, the system performs a lookup by Description. If your cursor is in the Dept, Class, Fineline, Prime Vend, or Mfg Vend field when you click Viewer, the Inventory Viewer displays doing the corresponding type of lookup, starting with the value you entered in the field (if any). For example, if your cursor is in the Dept field and the displayed itempart is in department 3, when you click Viewer, the Inventory Viewer comes up with a lookup by Department and starting with department 3.   

Like all Eagle for Windows viewers, the Inventory Viewer displays information in a grid. For information about working with grids, click here.

You may want to consider activating the option  "Display the Inventory Viewer in expanded format?” (ID# 8287). This option adds many additional fields (denoted with a plus sign ("+") at the end of the field title) that you can select to display in the grid.

  1. From the Eagle Browser, click Inventory Menu, then Inventory Viewer (or simply type INV in the Launch bar and press Enter).

You can also access the Inventory Viewer from Inventory Maintenance, POS (with your cursor in the Item field), Purchasing (from the posting screen), or the Buyer's List by simply clicking Viewer.

From Business Advisor, you access the Inventory Viewer by clicking Viewer, then Detached Inventory Viewer.

  1. Multistore: use the Down Arrow button to move to the Store box, and select the store or store group for which you want to look up itemsparts.

  2. Click Lookup (F5).  The View By dialog box displays.

  3. Use the up or down arrow keys to highlight a lookup method, and press Enter.

You can look up itemsparts by:

If you are looking up itemsparts by class, fineline, or vendor and you don't know the code associated with it, you can simply type in an equal sign (=) followed by the name of the class, fineline, or vendor.  

  1. To narrow your search, select the appropriate information in the drop-down box(es) that display.

  2. Click Refresh (+ on the keypad). The itemsparts that meet the criteria you selected display.  

  3. Depending on the application you're working in (Business Advisor excepted), you can do the following:
