Seas Sales Code

Seasonal Sales Code.

Use this field on the Codes tab of Inventory Maintenance to indicate an item's seasonality. You can include and exclude items with this code when you run inventory reports.

Click the Seas Sales Code hyperlink to set up your seasonal sales codes. The Add Seasonal Code dialog box displays, in which you can enter a seasonal sales code, a description of it, and click OK.

 For example, you could set up the following codes:

 F =  Fall item.

 W = Winter item.

 S = Spring item.

 V = Summer item.

 X = Christmas item.

Once you've set up your seasonal sales codes, you can assign a code to your items by clicking the arrow to the right of the Seas Sales Code field and selecting a code from the drop-down list.

This field is alphanumeric. You can enter one letter or number.

Depending on your needs, you might want to consider setting up PO Season Codes instead of Seasonal Sales Codes. PO Season Codes give you the flexibility to define date ranges as to when the season starts and stops. Seasonal Sales Codes do not. The main reason you might want to use PO Season Code is that it is a store-specific field that controls when an item should be ordered on suggested orders (RSO). Seasonal Sales Code, on the other hand, is a reporting/selection feature.