Store Closeout

This field on the Codes tab of Inventory Maintenance allows you to indicate items that you have chosen to close out/discontinue, so that the items won't show up on suggested orders (RSO). If you manually add an item to a PO, and the item's Store Closeout field is set to Y, an error displays and an error sound is heard; this is meant to prevent the item from being mistakenly reordered.

If an item is both Store Closeout AND Discontinued, the Discontinued warnings take precedence over the Store Closeout warnings.

The Store Closeout field differs from the Discontinued field which is used to indicate that the vendor has discontinued the item. Because this field is store-specific, this field allows multistore users to discontinue an item in one or more stores, rather than having to discontinue an item in ALL stores by using the Discontinued field (which is master data). Before this field was available, the only way to prevent an item from being ordered for a specific store was to set the order point to zero and then set the ROP Protect flag to Y. This field eliminates the need to use this awkward setup because when the Store Closeout field is set to Y for an item, the item will simply not show up on a suggested order (RSO).



Alternatively, multistore users can set this field to T, Transfer Item Only. This setting is useful if one (or perhaps more than one) store buys the item from a supplier, but the other stores replenish this item by transferring what they need from the store supplied by the vendor. These stores would set the Store Closeout field to T. Then, when running a suggested order (RSO), use Selection Option T "Store Closeout T items only." This allows you to create a PO for only the items you transfer from another store.  Then you can use the PO to Tran feature to turn that PO into a transfer request.  Note: Selection Option T does not round the quantity needed to the ordering multiple.

For additional information about Store Closeouts, see the following: