(Advanced Special Order users only)
Your system can allocate receipts to backordered Order or Special Order items. For example, item 123 was backordered on a POS Special Order. The PO you just received has item 123 on it. The system allocates item 123 to the Special Order. If there are other Orders or Special Orders that also have item 123 on backorder, the system allocates receipts on transactions from oldest to newest.
Set the "Allocate Uncommitted Receipts?" field to B (orders and special orders) or S (special orders only) in the Options Configuration window.
For more information about changing fields in Options Configuration, click here.
(Optional) If you want a receipt ticket to print for the allocated items, you must set up two options in Options Configuration:
Set the "Print Receipt Tickets?" option to S
Set the "Receipt Ticket Includes" option to A (all items regardless of receipt status) or R (received items only).
The benefit of printing a receipt ticket is that it functions as a pick list for the items that should be set aside for the customers who have ordered them.
For more information about changing fields in Options Configuration, click here.
When you finalize a purchase order with the Receiving Report (RRP), include option P in addition to Option F. Option P tells the system to allocate receipts.
Note: If you set up your system to print a receipt ticket for allocated items, you'll get a prompt on the RRP screen telling you to enter a printer number for the receipt ticket and to press ADD.
The Receiving Report lists the order or special order to which any items have been allocated. You can then set the item aside for the customer until he or she returns to your store to purchase it.