Purchase Order Format Report (RPO): Report Example

This topic provides an example of the Purchase Order Format Report (RPO) and definitions of the fields on the report. For more information about RPO and procedure steps for running the report, click here to go to the online help topic. This report is available from both the Eagle Browser and Network Access.

Report Example

The following is an example of the report. Click a field in the report to take you to the field definition. Note that the information that prints on RPO is from the PO in Purchasing and Receiving (MPO) and the vendor record in Vendor Maintenance (MVR).

Report Field Definitions

The following is a list in alphabetical order of the fields on the RPO report.

Alt Part #— Alternate part number.

Date Due— Due date for the PO, calculated based on the Lead Time field in Vendor Maintenance (MVR).

Description— Item description.

Item #— SKU number.

Line— Line number on the PO.

Order Date— Date the PO was created.

PO Status— Purchase order status. F - Final, P - Partially received, R - Receipt in progress, T - Temporary.

P U/M— Purchasing unit of measure.

Purchase Order— To the right of the words "Purchase Order" is the store number for the PO. Below that are the PO number and the initials of the clerk that created the PO.

Q Ord— Quantity ordered, terms of stocking units of measure or purchasing units of measure.

Retail— Retail price.

Ship To— The ship to address.

Ship Via— Shipping method.

St— Store.

Store— The store information (name, address) for the store that created this PO.

Store No.— This is the number from the Assigned Customer # field in Vendor Maintenance (MVR).

S U/M— Stocking unit of measure.

Terms— Invoice payment terms for this PO.

To— The vendor for this PO.