Print To

Indicate the way in which you want the report to print or spool (or both).  On certain reports, you can indicate that you want the report faxed.

P = Printer Only.  The report will print at the printer specified in the Printer field.

S = Spooler Only.  The report will spool to the spooler channel (typically 91) specified in the Printer field.

A = Spooler then print after the report is spooled.  The report is spooled (to spooler channel 91) first, then printed at the printer specified in the Printer field.

D = Spooler then print then delete report.  The report is spooled, then it is printed.  As soon as the printed copy is done printing, the spooled copy is automatically deleted.

B = Both spooler and printer at the same time.  The report is simultaneously spooled (to spooler channel 91) and printed at the printer specified in the Printer field.

F = Spooler then fax after report is spooled (Fax software users only).  The report is spooled, then faxed to the number you indicate in the "Fax Options" section of the window.  (Note:  not all reports have the fax option)