
Use this field in the Price Change Report (RPC) to specify your options when adding or deleting records in the Price Change File.

A = Add a range of items to the Price Change File. The range of items is based on your entries in the From, To, Codes, and Exclusion fields. This option can't be combined with Options B, F, or X.

B = Print an edit list of what would be changed if you use Option A.  While Option A adds records to the Price Change File, Option B does not. This option just prints a "what-if" report and does not update the Price Change File. If, after reviewing the report, you want to add the records to the Price Change File, re-run the same report, replacing Option B with Option A. This option can't be combined with Options A, F, or X.

C = Finalize costs only. When you use Option C, the system moves only the cost changes from the Price Change File to the Inventory File (Inventory Maintenance, the Pricing tab). If the item has any other change, the record remains in the Price Change File with those changes until you run Report RPC with Option F.                      

F = Finalize price changes. This option can't be combined with Options A, B, or X. When you use Option F, the system moves pricing information from the Price Change File to the Inventory File (Inventory Maintenance, the Pricing tab). The system deletes finalized price change records from the Price Change File. The system does not select records with a Date Effective after today's date when you use Option F.   

Option F works in conjunction with the field "Delete Older Than Days." All records with a Date Effective that is more than the number of days in the "Delete Older Than Days" field (it defaults to 14 days) that are outside the From/To range you specify are automatically deleted.

For example, you run the report with a Date Effective of 9/15/05, and the "Delete Older Than Days" field is set to 14. A price change record with an effective date of 9/1/05 is in the file and is not within your From/To range. The system deletes this record from the Price Change File.

You can set the "Delete Older Than Days" field to any number from 7 to 99 days. Setting the field to 99 tells the system to never delete old price changes.   

You can use the From and To fields and the Codes and Exclusion fields to select which price change records to finalize. If you leave the fields blank, the system selects and finalizes all eligible records in the Price Change File.  

H = Preserve the highest replacement cost.  If the new replacement cost is higher than the replacement cost in Inventory Maintenance (on the Pricing tab), the system changes the cost. If the new replacement cost is lower than the replacement cost in Inventory Maintenance, the system does not make any changes to the item cost or price. The reason is that the system may calculate other pricing information based on the new cost. For example, it may calculate retail based on the cost. Since the system is not updating the cost, it should not update the retail.

O = Do not overwrite existing price changes. If an item(s) has an existing price change in Item Price Changes (IPC), leave the existing price change rather than overwrite it with a new price based on the RPC report.

R = Recalculate Future Promotions. Use this option to recalculate the promotion price of an item when running RPC (F) to update the item(s) Retail. This option only recalculates inactive promotion prices which are based on a percentage or dollar amount off of retail. It does not recalculate a promotion price which is active, nor a promotion price which was added to Modify Item Promotions (MIP) with a specific, set  promotion price.  Option R is only allowed when using option F to finalize price changes, and it does not apply to progressive promotions. Note: When RPC Option F and R is unable to update the promotion price for either of the reasons stated above, it records a "Retail Changed – on Promotion" alert for that SKU/Store if you have option 3299 "Record "Retail Changed - On Promotion" alerts? " set to Y.

V = Print the alternate vendor cost. The alternate vendor cost prints in the ALT VEND column (under SKU). The alternate vendor name prints in the CPG/AV column.

X = Delete a range of records from the Price Change File without updating the Inventory File. This option can't be used with Options A, B, or F. You must specify a From/To range.

Y = Add Level Price as Retail. This option is for Ace users who have the Electronic Catalog on their system. Use option Y if you want a Level Price to be used as your retail price in Inventory Maintenance. The Level Price used is based on how you set option 8715 "Ace price to use when adding items from catalog.” For more information about Level Pricing, click here.

blank = Print a report of items currently in the Price Change File (the Flexible Pricing Grid).