Use the following procedure to set up the options that control how the Eagle Alerts application works. For a user to receive an alert, he or she must be set up to do so in their Eagle Alert User Profile.
(ID# 3036) Stockout Alert ThresholdEnter a number from 0 to 999999999. A stockout allert will be written if the item's previous quantity on hand (QOH) was not zero, but the new QOH is 0 and the order point is greater than this stockout threshold. This only applies to items that are not set as Discontinued in Inventory Maintenance.
(ID# 3298) Record "Transfer Request Created via POW" alertsThis option indicates if an alert should be generated whenever a transfer request is created from finalizing a replenishment PO in PO Worksheet.
(ID# 3299) Record "Retail Changed - On Promotion" alerts?Set to Yes if you want the Price Change Report (RPC) to create an alert whenever an item's retail changes and the item is on an active promotion.
You will also receive this alert if RPC is run with Option R to "Recalculate Future Promotions" and the item is on a future promotion with a specific promotion price (the system does not automatically recalculate a specific promotion price as it does a percentage or dollar amount off of a promotion price).
(ID# 3319) Record "Large % change on Price or Cost" alertsSet this option to Yes if you want to record an alert whenever the Price Change Report (RPC) with option F makes a change to an item where the new and old price or cost is changing by more than a certain percent (set this percentage in option 8615 "Price or Cost % change threshold").
(ID# 8615) Price or Cost % change thresholdThis option works with option 3319 "Record "Large % change on Price or Cost" alerts. Use this option to set the percentage change (either up or down) between the new and old price or cost that will cause the Price Change Report (RPC) option F to generate an alert that a large change has occurred to a price or cost.
(ID# 3319) Record "Large % change on Price or Cost " alertsThis option determines whether you want the system to generate an alert when a price or cost changes by a certain percentage, either up or down. You define this percentage in option 8615 "Price or Cost % change threshold." The alert is generated when the Price Change Report (RPC) is run with Option F.
(ID# 3320) Record QOH has gone to zero alertsThis Alerts option determines whether or not you want the system to generate an alert when quantity-on-hand of an item has gone to zero. When this alert is generated, the Description field of the alert will include the department of the item.
This option defaults to N.
(ID# 3321) Record "Backordered item not sourced" alertsThis Alert, produced by the Open Order Item Report (RIO) run with the new Option F, produces an alert for an SKU that is backordered on a POS order, and which has not been sourced (not placed on a PO or a Transfer).
(ID# 3322) Record QOH has gone negative alertsThis Alerts option determines whether or not you want the system to generate an alert when quantity-on-hand of an item has gone negative. When this alert is generated, the Description field of the alert will include the department of the item.
This option defaults to N.
(ID# 3323) Record "Order on Hold" alerts(Pick/Pack/Ship users only) Set this Alerts option to Yes if you want the system to record when an order is on hold for one or more reasons, and thus can’t be released by either the Open Orders/Pick Tickets report (ROO) run with Option P (Release order for picking), or by the Totals Misc Menu option "Release order for picking" in Order Entry. If the system generates this alert, the Note field will indicate how many ’hold’ reasons exist for the order, and state the first one (hold reasons are set up in the Options Configuration window).
(ID# 3324) Record Special or Backordered item received alerts(Advanced Special Order users only) If this option is set to Yes, the system will record one of the following three alerts whenever a special order item or a backorder item is received as a result of the Receiving Report (RRP) with Option F:
* Quantity received less than order quantity
* Quantity received equal to order quantity
* Quantity received greater than order quantity
If this option is set to No, none of these three alerts are recorded.
(ID# 3325) Record "Item Added to Buyer's List" alerts
(ID# 3326) Record An iNet order has been placed alerts(iNet users only) This Alerts option determines whether or not you want the system to generate an alert when an iNet order has been placed by a customer. This option defaults to Y.
(ID# 3327) Record "Direct Ship needs to be invoiced" alerts
(ID# 3328) Record Telecom transmission failed alertsThis Alerts option determines whether or not you want the system to generate an alert when a telecommunications transmission, such as ERP, EFM, etc., has failed. This option defaults to Y.
(ID# 3330) Record Telecom transmission succeeded alertsThis Alerts option determines whether or not you want the system to generate an alert when a telecommunications transmission, such as ERP, EFM, etc., has succeeded. This option defaults to N.
(ID# 3331) True Value-Record "Order Deadline Warning" alerts
(ID# 3332) Record Offline POS Transactions exist alertsThis Alerts option determines whether or not you want the system to generate an alert when any offline POS transactions exist on the PC. This option defaults to Y.
(ID# 3334) Record Offline Database Refresh failed alertsThis option determines whether or not you want the system to generate an alert when the offline POS database refresh (Create Offline Refresh--COR) fails. This option defaults to Y.
(ID# 3335) Record "AVS override performed" alerts(MOTO Address Verification users only)
Set this option to Y if you want the system to generate an alert whenever someone performs an Address Verification (AVS) override.
(ID# 3336) Record Gift Card Activation alertsThis Alerts option determines whether or not you want the system to generate an alert when a gift card is activated at POS via ProtoBase. This option defaults to Y.
(ID# 3338) Record Allow user-defined remindersThis Alerts option determines whether or not you want to allow users to set up "reminders" as part of the Eagle Alerts system. This option defaults to N.
(ID# 3339) Record "Kit could not be updated by RKR" alerts?The Kit Report (RKR) run with option O, Q, or U does NOT update a kit header SKU if the header SKU’s "Kit Record" flag in Inventory Maintenance is set to No.
Set this option to Y if you want the system to generate an alert whenever a kit couldn't be updated by the RKR report.
(ID# 3340) Record "buyers signature missing" alertsThis Alerts option determines whether or not an alert is recorded if a purchase order is faxed or printed and 1)the system option to "Require Buyer Signature" is Yes, and 2)there is no signature on file for the buyer's initals.
Signatures are printed on purchase orders that are either laser-printed or faxed from the Print/Fax Purchase Order report (RPO). The signatures are entered for users in Device Configuration from the Misc. menu. Each user can have a signature. The buyer initials must be a valid user. A default user can be specified for the signature if the buyer does not have one on file.
(ID# 3344) Record "POS Training Mode started" alertsThis Alerts option determines whether or not you want the system to generate an alert when someone starts the POS training mode. This option defaults to N.
(ID# 3346) Record "POS Training Mode ended" alertsThis Alerts option determines whether or not you want the system to generate an alert when someone exits from the POS training mode. This option defaults to N.
(ID# 3342) Record "New customer added" alertsThis Alert is recorded when a new customer account is added in Customer Maintenance or POS.
(ID# 3348) Record "FAX failure" alertsThis alert is recorded when a fax transmission fails.
(ID# 3349) Record "Error updating item from FIL" alertsThis alert is recorded when errors prevent the Flexible Inventory Loading Report (RFL) option F from finalizing a change.
(RFL reports on item updates/new items pending in the Flexible Inventory Load screen (FIL). The pending items in FIL typically come from running Electronic File Maintenance (EFM), but you can also manually enter item updates/new items into FIL.)
(ID# 3311) Record ‘Promotion Started’ alertsThis alert is recorded when a promotion starts. This is useful for multi-store user where the promotions are added centrally; with this alert, the stores will know when promotions begin so that they can adjust signage.?
(ID# 3313) Record ‘Promotion Ended’ alerts?This alert is recorded when a promotion ends. This is useful for multi-store user where the promotions are added centrally; with this alert, the stores will know when promotions end so that they can adjust signage.
(ID# 9797) Cash Drawer - Cash Drop Warning ThresholdThis option controls if an alert to the manager and a warning to the clerk (optional) is given when a cash drawer has more cash than it should. Once the drawer's cash has reached or gone over this threshold amount, the system generates a "cash drawer drop needed" alert, and also warns the clerk that the cash in their drawer is high and a cash drop should be done. This alert and warning continue to be given at the start of each transaction until the amount of cash i the drawer is below this threshold. Set this option to zero if you don't want the system to generate this alert or warning.
(ID# 9798) Cash Drawer - Maximum Cash Lockout AmountThis option controls when the clerk is prevented from starting a new transaction due to the fact the cash in their drawer has reached this maximum amount. Once the drawer's cash has reached or gone over this maximum, a manager override by a user who has security bit 1018 "(MO) Ability to do a cash drop after maximum cash lockout" set to Yes is required to do a cash drop to reduce the drawer's cash to an amount below this maximum. Set this option to zero if you do not want to lock out a POS station when a maximum is reached.
The Eagle Alerts feature is not available for the ISC operating system.