RDI create defective purchase orders

(Note: For more information on setting up RDI to create Defective POs, see the topic Generating POs for Defectives)

(ID# 2810) This Purchasing option in Options Configuration allows you to have a finalized Daily Inventory Update Report (RDI) create defective POs for only Policy A items purchased from your primary supplier when they are returned at POS as a defective return (return type D) or a defective exchange (return type X). You must enter your affiliate in option 2814 "RDI defective purchase order affiliate," and the vendor code used when creating the defective PO in option 2812 "RDI defective purchase order vendor code." This option requires that you have the electronic catalog for this vendor.

A = All items; one PO for all stores.

B = All items; one PO for each store.

C = Policy A items only. One PO for all stores.

N = Don't create defective POs.

S = Policy A items only. One PO for each store.

Set this option to A or B to have a finalized RDI create defective POs for all items when they are returned at POS as a defective return or defective exchange. If there are certain items that should never be placed on a defective PO, identify them by a user code, and then indicate on RDI which items to exclude by entering the following information in Options Configuration:

2817 "RDI--Use Code position to identify items excluded from defective POs)

2818 "RDI--Code value that identifies items excluded from defective POs

Whenever a defective PO is created by RDI, the system issues an alert. To receive this alert, set "A defective PO was created" to Yes in your Alert User Profile.