About Views

A view is a saved setting that displays selected columns on a grid.


There are view grids in the POS Posting Screen, the Accounts Receivable Viewer, Create-Order-from-Bid Viewer, Customer Viewer, Inventory Viewer, All Types (transactions) Viewer, QuickRecall Viewer, and the Receipt-On-Account Viewer. Each clerk on this terminal can specify the columns they view on a grid. If you modify and save a view, you can load it for later use.

See Also

SHORTCUT.gif Adding or Deleting a View Column

SHORTCUT.gif Changing the Size of the View

SHORTCUT.gif Creating a Custom View

SHORTCUT.gif Deleting a Custom View

SHORTCUT.gif Loading a Saved View

SHORTCUT.gif Setting the Default Create-Order-from-Bid Viewer View

SHORTCUT.gif Setting the Default Customer Viewer View

SHORTCUT.gif Setting the Default Inventory Viewer View

SHORTCUT.gif Setting the Default Orders Viewer View

SHORTCUT.gif Setting the Default POS View

SHORTCUT.gif Setting the Default QuickRecall Viewer View

SHORTCUT.gif Setting the Default ROA Viewer View

SHORTCUT.gif Setting the Default Special Order Viewer View