You can right-click on a column header in a grid to display a shortcut menu. Then, select a menu option to do the following:
Displays a column containing check boxes. This allows you to select or deselect rows. To select rows, click the check box or right-click the checkbox column, then click Select All. When the rows you want to see are checked, right-click the checkbox column and click Refine Selection. Only the selected rows display.
When you export a grid that includes check boxes, only the selected rows are exported.
Removes any filters set on all columns and displays all rows.
Removes any filters set by the selected column and displays all rows.
Displays a dialog box, which provides information pertaining to the selected column.
Changes the width of the column so that the widest value fits in the column.
Displays a dialog box, which allows you to change the format of data in the columns. For example, you can change a number to display one, two, or three digits past the decimal point.
Displays a dialog box, which allows you to insert a new column. Values in the new column are calculated based on an existing column(s). For example, you can create a new column whose value is the difference between two existing columns.
Displays the About dialog box, which gives information about the grid; for example, the number of rows, columns, and filters.
Displays the File Selection window and exports data in the grid to the selected file.
Starts Microsoft Excel and exports data in the grid to an Excel spreadsheet.
Displays the Printing window, which initiates printing the grid.
Makes the text in the grid larger and reduces the amount of the grid you can see.
Makes the text in the grid smaller and increases the amount of the grid you can see.
Displays a dialog box, which allows you to set parameters to limit the rows displayed. For example, a cost column can be filtered to show only costs greater than $1.00.
Hides the selected column. Does not show as a column to display in Select Columns.
Displays a graph of the values in the selected column.
Sorts by the selected column and adds a subtotal line when the value in the column changes.
Calculates and displays a grand total line as the last line in the grid.
Removes the selected column. Does not show as a column to display in Select Columns. This option is only available if the column was created with Insert Column.
Displays a dialog box, which allows you to select the columns to display. Columns not selected are hidden.
Displays a dialog box, which allows you to select the columns to graph.
Sorts all rows low to high by the column selected.
Sorts all rows high to low by the column selected.
An averages row is added after the last line in the grid. If a column contains numeric data, an average is calculated. The average is the total of the column divided by the number of rows.
This option is only available if you right-click a column that you can subtotal by (such as the Day of Week column in the POS Hour/Day analysis grid). The average row is added after the last line in the grid. The average is the total of the column divided by the number of rows.
Removes both the average and total row from the grid.
See Also: