You can use grids to display, sort, and filter information.
The system has both "Standard" and "High Capacity" grid functionality available. By default, your system uses Standard grid functionality. High Capacity grids load more rows than Standard grids, and they have other unique features, such as allowing you to lock columns. To learn more about High-Capacity grids, click here.
If you right-click on a grid column, a shortcut menu for columns displays. If you right-click on a grid check box, a shortcut menu for check boxes displays.
The total number of records that can be loaded into a Standard grid is 15,000, while a High-Capacity grid can load 100,000. When an entire grid is loaded (such as when calculating subtotals), one warning message will display. This warning message displays after 200 records are loaded (you can change this number). You then have the following options:
Click Yes to continue loading records.
Click No to stop loading records and use the records already loaded.
Click Cancel to stop the current operation.
The following is a list of ways you can work with grids.
Autosizing Columns
Double-click the header of the column.
Changing Font Size
On the right side of the grid, click to expand the font size in the grid or click
to reduce the font size in the grid.
Exporting to Excel
On the right side of the grid, click to start Microsoft Excel. Then you can export data in the grid to an Excel spreadsheet.
When you export a grid that includes check boxes, only the selected rows will be exported.
On the right side of the grid, click to graph the grid.
Maximizing and Minimizing Grids
On the upper right side of the grid, click to maximize the number of rows that display. Click again to return to the original number of rows.
Moving Columns
On the column you want to move, click and hold the mouse button, then drag the column to its new location and release the mouse button.
Opening Views
On the right side of the grid, click to open a new view.
On the right side of the grid, click to print the information displayed in the grid.
Scrolling (Horizontal and Vertical)
Click the horizontal scroll bars on the bottom of the grid to view columns that may be off this window. Click vertical scroll bars on the right of the grid to view rows that may be off this window.
Sizing Columns
On the column you want to size, click and hold the mouse button on the vertical line at the end of the column header. Drag the line to its new location and release the mouse button.
Sorting Information in a Column
Double-click the column header to sort information from low to high values. Double-click again to sort from high to low values.
See Also:
Use High-Capacity grid in viewers?
Adding or Deleting a View Column