Looking Up Items

In Inventory Maintenance, you can look up an item using the SKU, description, manufacturer part number, UPC number, or serial number.

  1. If you know the SKU number, type the number in the SKU box and click Display.

  2. If you know all or part of the description, type it in the Desc box and press ENTER. The Inventory Description Viewer window displays. For information about using inventory viewers, click here.

  3. If you know the manufacturer part number, type the number in the SKU box and click Mfg LU.

  4. If you know the UPC number, type the number in the SKU box and click UPC LU.

  5. If you know the serial number, type the number in the SKU box and click UPC LU.

  6. After displaying an item in Inventory Maintenance, you can click Next or Previous to display other items. For information about using Next and Previous, click here.