Deleting Items in Inventory Maintenance

You can delete an item (SKU) from Inventory Maintenance. Deleting an item can affect sales history and other information. Do not delete an item until after running year-end reports. If you delete an item prior to year-end, the sales history information reported by other inventory reports (such as Reports RIV, RIS, RSH, RPH, RIH, and RPA) will be inaccurate. Prior to deleting an item, you must check other functions to see if that item exists. If the item does exist, you must first delete the SKU from that function before you delete the SKU from Inventory Maintenance. Check the following functions (from Network Access or from the Inventory Maintenance window):

Deleting an Item

  1. Display the Inventory Maintenance window.

  2. Display the SKU that you want to delete. For help with looking up items, click here.

  3. Multistore: Check the "In Stores" field. The item will be deleted from all stores displayed in this box. If you want to delete the item from specific stores, type the store codes in this box. You can also delete by Store Group.

  4. Click Delete.


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