Allow use of Maximum Units promotions

(ID# 9383) This Inventory option in Options Configuration determines whether or not you use the Maximum Units promotions feature, in which the promotion price is only given to a customer at the time the item is posted in POS if the Max Units entered on the promotion in Modify Item Promotions hasn't been reached. Once the specified number of units or end date is reached, whichever comes first, the promotion price is no longer considered at POS.

Note that the "maximum" refers to maximum units per store. It is not a maximum per transaction or a maximum per customer.

Limitations of this feature:

  1. If a Maximum Units promotion expires because it has met the maximum, then a regular promotion (or another max units promotion) will not take effect on the same day unless you delete the expired promotion and run the Update Promotion Price Report (RUP).

  2. It is not supported for Loyalty or Customer-Specific promotions.

  3. Promotion history does not reflect the fact that the promotion had a start/end time.

  4. It is not supported in Offline POS - customers receive the active promotion price regardless of how many units have been sold to them. However, uploading offline transactions does update the "Maximum Units Sold" for units sold while in Offline POS.


  1. You can import a promotion with start/end times in the Promotion Import utility.

  2. Maximum Units promotions can be used in conjunction with Timed Promotions.

  3. When the item is invoiced, the system records how many of the max units have been sold.

  4. The promotion is activated based solely on the start dates in the Update Promotion Price Report (RUP); however, it is de-activated if the end date is reached OR if the max units allowed is reached. Online POS checks the "max units sold" to determine if the item can still be posted with that active promotion price. Even if it is active for days beyond where the "max units sold" has been reached, the promotion price isn't given. Since Offline POS doesn't have access to check "max units sold," RUP de-activates the promo price once it reaches the max units sold as well as the end date.