Selling Ace Gift Cards with Manual Activation

(Integrated Credit Cards users only)

Use the following procedure to sell and then manually activate Ace Gift Cards, or add funds to an existing card, in POS.  Before you begin activating Gift Cards, you must have already completed all setup. This procedure assumes the option "Force Gift/Cash Card activation" (ID#5980) is set to No in Options Configuration. If you set this option to Yes, do not use this procedure; instead, see the topic "Selling Ace Gift Cards with Automatic Activation."

If you're issuing a Merchandise Card to a customer who is returning merchandise, see the first "Tip" at the bottom of this topic.

  1. In POS, Enter the Gift Card SKU and collect the money for it (you can sell up to 996 gift cards on a transaction). Complete the transaction as you normally would. Then follow the steps below to activate the card.

  1. In POS, from the Item (SKU) field, click Menu. The No Sale Menu displays. Type an "F" for Gift Card Maintenance.

  1. From the Gift Card Menu, type "1" to Activate Gift Card.

  1. If you use Signature Capture (Ingenico 1000), scan the card on the Signature Capture Pad (SCP) and press the Credit key. The SCP will give back the message "Amount XX. CC ok?"  Press OK on the SCP.

  2. If you don't use Signature Capture, then in the Activate Gift Card window, enter the gift card amount.


The Sale Document # field defaults to the previous transaction. It is there to provide a cross-reference between the Activation and the Sale. You can enter a different number in this field, if desired – but this field is REQUIRED.

  1. Tab to the Number field, and swipe the card to enter in the card number.

Note: The card must be swiped in order to enter the card number. Manual entry of the card number is not allowed.

The Gift Card information is submitted to the processor for approval and activation for the specified dollar amount. The Credit Authorization Progress Bar displays while the gift card is being processed. This simply indicates that POS is waiting for Integrated Credit Cards to respond to the activation request.

 If the gift card is approved, a message similar to the following displays: "Gift Card Activation complete. $20.00 stored on card 123456789. Write this amount on the back of the card. Press Y to activate another Gift Card or press any other key to return to POS." A Gift Card receipt prints and indicates the card number and dollar amount.   

  1. You can now activate another card, or press Escape to return to POS.

  2. If the gift card activation was declined, call Ace at 1-888-749-1509, as directed by the error message.  If Ace informs you that the card does indeed have a value on it, call the Eagle Advice Line at 800-322-3077 to report the false declined activation.
