Epicor Eagleā¢ Labels for Windows users only.
You can use the "Import" feature to add a range of items to the Label Manager. Once the items are in the Label Manager grid, you can make any necessary changes to them.
Generate the range of items you want to import into the Label Manager by running Item Price Labels (RLA), Item Bin Labels (RBL), or by creating an Item List in Eagle Mobile.
When filling in the page of RLA or RBL, note the following:
You must select "Generate File for Labelworks/Label Manager" in the Label to Use field.
If you are running Item Bin Labels (RBL), and any items you are importing have a value in the # of Bin Labels field in Inventory Maintenance, then that value supersedes the number you enter in the "Number of Labels" field. For example, if an item has 8 in the # of Bin Labels field, but you enter "1" in the Number of Labels field on the RBL, the system prints 8 labels for that item.
Once the RLA, RBL, or Eagle Mobile Item List has finished processing, continue with the next step.
Click Import. The Select Label File dialog displays.
From the list, select the file you want to import.
For example, if today is February 15 and you're using terminal 539:
your RLA would display as follows: LA021501.539
your RBL or Eagle Mobile Item List would display as follows: BL021501.539
0215 represents the date, 01 indicates that these are the first labels you ran on this date, and 539 is the terminal number. If you ran other labels on the same date:
The RLAs would display as LA021502.539, LA021503.539, and so on. The RBLs and Eagle Mobile Item Lists would display as BL021502.539, BL021503.539, and so on.
If you want to delete a file from the list, click on it, and then click Delete. A confirmation message displays at the bottom of the window.
Click OK. The range of items from the RLA, RBL, or Eagle Mobile Item List display in the grid. You can add, change, or delete items from the grid, as necessary.