Price Change Report (RPC)

About the Price Change Report

Use the Price Change Report (RPC) to finalize price changes that you received electronically (i.e. via EFM), or that you entered into the Item Price Changes window. Select Option F to finalize price change records. Option F updates Inventory Maintenance with the new prices, and deletes the price change records from the Price Change File.

You can also use the Price Change Report (RPC) to change prices for a range of inventory items. Various options allow you to:

When records are in the Price Change File, you can review, change, and delete them. You can view price change records by running the Price Change Report (RPC) without Options A, B, or F. You can also view price change records in the Flexible Pricing Grid.

Lumber/Contractor POS users:  When you update the replacement cost, the system also updates the cost in pricing and alternate units.

If you use Option A to add price change records to the Price Change File, you can:


Printing the Price Change Report (RPC)

  1. From the Eagle Browser, click Reports Menu, Inventory Reports,  Price Change Report (RPC).  The Price Change Report window displays.

  2. If you have set up a Default Report Profile for this report, you can simply click Run to use the defaults.  Or, you can retrieve a saved report, make any necessary changes, and click Run.  Otherwise, continue with the next step.

  3. From the page, review the default entries in the fields and make changes if needed.  For a definition of each field, click here.

  4. Click . A page of fields displays.  

If you are finalizing price changes in the Item Price Changes window, select option F.

For a definition of each option, click here.

  1. Click . A page of fields displays.

For a definition of each field, click here.

  1. (Optional) Click .  A page of fields displays. Fill in the desired fields to include or exclude groups of items. For a definition of each field, click here.

  2.  If you selected Option A or B on the Options page (see step 4), you must click on a PC Option (1-5) in the left pane, and fill in the appropriate fields that display.  The PC Option you select must match the Update Option you selected on the Options page.  For example, if you selected Update Option 2, then you must fill in the PC Option 2 page.

For more information about PC Option 1-5, click one of the following:


For a definition of each field on the PC Option pages, click here.

  1. (Optional) Click . A page of fields displays. Fill in the fields if you want to fax the report.

For a definition of each field, click here.

  1. Click Run if you are running this report now, or click Queue if you are adding this report to a queue. For more information about creating queues, click here.
