Update Promotion Price Report (RUP)

RUP prints promotion information from Modify Item Promotion (MIP). Use the Update Promotion Price Report (RUP) to print information about items that are going on or off promotion.

When running RUP, you can specify if the promotion price is a regular promotion or an everyday low price. If the price is a regular promotion price, use Option F. The system updates the Promo Sales Code field in Inventory Maintenance, the Codes tab, with a P. If the price is an everyday low price, use Options UF. The system updates the Promo Sales Code field with an E.

Printing the Update Promotion Price Report

  1. From the Eagle Browser, click Reports Menu, Inventory Reports, Update Promotion Price Report (RUP).  The Update Promotion Price Report window displays.  

  2. If you have set up a Default Report Profile for this report, you can simply click Run to use the defaults.  Or, you can retrieve a saved report, make any necessary changes, and click Run.  Otherwise, continue with the next step.

  3. From the Print Setup page, review the default entries in the fields and make changes if needed.  For a definition of each field, click here.

  4. Click (in the left pane of the window).  In the Options field, click the box to the left of the options you want.  Typically you'll select option F to activate or deactivate promotions. If you do use Option F, any item in the promotion file (within the range you select on the From/To page) with a Start Date or End Date equal to today's date will be put on or taken off promotion accordingly.

For a definition of each option, click here.

  1. Click (in the left pane of the window).  A page of fields displays.  

    1. Review the default entries in the Store, Print Sequence, Subtotals, and Start New Page fields and make changes if needed.  For a definition of each field, click here.

    2. In the lower portion of the window, fill in the desired fields to limit the items that print .  For example, if you only want to print a single promotion, enter a "Promo Type" in the boxes, as shown below (Note:  Promo Type is the name you gave the promotion when you entered it in the system):

  2. (Optional) Click (in the left pane of the window).  A page of fields displays.  Fill in the fields if you want to fax the report.

For a definition of each field, click here.

  1. Click Run if you are running this report now, or click Queue if you are adding this report to a queue.  For more information about creating queues, click here.
