Occasionally you may need to add an item to your purchase order during the receiving process. For example, you called the vendor to add a few more items to your order, but you forgot to add the items to the purchase order in the system before you began the receiving process. There are two ways to add an item during receiving. Click one of the following to take you to the procedure steps:
In the Purchasing and Receiving window, with your purchase order displayed, click Receive.
For more information about displaying a purchase order, click here.
If you have not previously clicked the Receive button for this particular purchase order, the Receive Method dialog box displays. Click here for more information on receive methods.
In the Item (SKU) box, type the SKU, manufacturer part number, or alternate part number of the item you wish to add to the purchase order.
Click Add. The Add SKU to PO dialog box appears, with the item you are attempting to add to the PO displayed.
Multistore: If you are receiving a multistore PO (a PO with items ordered for more than one store), the Add SKU to PO dialog box defaults to the store for which you are receiving, and cannot be changed. However, if you are receiving for all stores, it defaults to the current lockin store.
In the Qty Received (Stk) box, type the quantity you received of the item.
(Optional) Change any of the other fields in the dialog box, such as cost or retail.
For field help definitions, click here.
Press ENTER. The item is added to the purchase order.
From the Purchasing and Receiving window, click Viewer. The Inventory Viewer displays.
For more information about using the Inventory Viewer, click here.
When you've located the item in the grid, click on it, and press ENTER. The Add SKU to PO dialog box appears, with the item you are attempting to add to the PO displayed.
Multistore: If you are receiving a multistore PO (a PO with items ordered for more than one store), the Add SKU to PO dialog box defaults to the store for which you are receiving, and cannot be changed. However, if you are receiving for all stores, it defaults to the current lockin store.
In the Qty Received (Stk) box, type the quantity you received of the item.
(Optional) Change any of the other fields in the dialog box, such as cost or retail.
For field help definitions, click here.
Press ENTER. The item is added to the purchase order.