Setting Up Promotions

Use the Modify Item Promotion window to set up promotions (enter items, set the promotion price, assign a start and end date, and so on) You can also set up Timed Promotions (promotions with a start and end time) in this window.

You can enter items individually, or by range. You can also Click one of the following to take you to the procedure steps:

Adding Individual Items to a Promotion

Adding a Range of Items to a Promotion

Adding Individual Items to a Promotion

  1.  Display the Modify Item Promotion window.

  2. Click Add to display the Add Item Promotion dialog.

  3.  Fill in the blank fields, as follows:

  1. Click OK.

  2. Repeat steps 2-4 as necessary. When you're finished entering items, click Cancel.

  3. To activate the promotion now, follow step 7. To activate the promotion the night before the promotion begins, skip to step 8.

  4. To activate the promotion now, fill in both the Type and Start Date fields, and then click <Activate> to launch the Update Promotion Price Report (RUP). For more information about how the promotion is processed using this method, click here.

  5. The night before the promotion begins, activate the promotion prices by running the Update Promotion Price Report (RUP) with option F. Typically this report is run as part of an end-of-day queue.

If you were entering a list of items into the promotion file and stopped before you were finished, and now you aren't sure where you left off, sort the grid by "Order Entered." Simply double-click on the Order Entered column to sort. Note: If the Order Entered column isn't already displayed in the grid, select it by placing your cursor over a column heading. The arrow pointer will change to plus sign (+). Right-click, and select the option to "select columns to view," click in the "Order Entered" checkbox, and click Apply.  



Adding a Range of Timed Promotions

(Note: You can also use the Update Promo Price Report (RUP) to add a range of items to the promotion file. See the topic "Adding a Range of Items to a Promotion")

  1.   Display the Modify Item Promotion window.

  2. Click .  The Inventory Viewer displays.

  3. Look up the items you want to put on timed promotion.

  4. Click .  In the Load from Viewer box, click Yes to paste all items from the grid into the promo file, or click No to paste only the highlighted item.

  5. Click Misc, then click Make Global Changes to Promotions in the Grid.  

  6. Do the following in the Change Item Promotions box:

  1. To enter a promotion price for each item, click in the Promo Price column for each item in the grid, and enter the promotion price for each item.

  2. Click Change to save the items in the Promotion file.

  3. The night before the promotion begins, activate the promotion prices by running the Update Promotion Price Report (RUP) with option F. Typically this report is run as part of an end-of-day queue.