Purchasing Options Field Help

This topic provides definitions for the Purchasing options in the Options Configuration window. To find a definition for a particular option, click the appropriate option in the alphabetical list below. When you are finished viewing a definition, click the Back button at the top of this window to return to the list.

Add/change user-defined Freight Policy Codes

Adv S/O Receiving – PO Generation Options

Adv S/O Receiving - Print Receipt Tickets?

Adv S/O Receiving - Receipt Ticket Includes

Adv S/O Receiving - Update POS Order Cost

Adv S/O Receiving Allocate Uncommited Receipts to BO's

Allow adding temporary serial #'s during receiving?

Allow cost to be marked as promo/temp cost

Allow entry of vendor's description in Inventory Maintenance Vendor tab

Allow up to a 10 character vendor PO#?

Allow User to Change/Delete Items Tied to Special Order

Always Enforce Order Multiple in Purchasing

Assign PO Numbers Automatically?

Change Future POs to Normal POs once they become current

Create A/P Vouchers?

Default days for Buyers List Cutoff Date

Default Grid for Receiving in E4W Purchasing

Default Next/Previous Method for WinPUR

Default PO Maintain Grid View

Default posting area format in E4W Purchasing

Default receiving posting area format

Default store group for 'Copying store specific fields' in MVR

Display Add/Replace/New menu when item already on PO

Display ’PO Exceptions’ when recalling and displaying a PO

Display Suggested Order Info in Purchasing?

Display the market download and direct mail viewer in expanded format?

Display the PO create/maintain posting grid in expanded format?

Display warning if none of the item's vendors match the PO Vendor

Display warning when posting a discontinued item

Include UPC in WinPUR item lookup?

Keep vendor contacts the same in all stores?

Laser PO and Receiver format for L (lumber) type skus

MPO - Use Order Multiple when no match on PO's vendor

Next PO Number to Assign

Number of Days Before Future PO Quantity Becomes Current

PO Bill To Store ID

Print locations on Laser Receiver (RRP)

Print Pay to Vendor information on the P.O.

Print Store Name on PO?

Put Special Order # in the Generated PO's Alt PO # field

Queued Suggested Order Report (RSO) uses same, or new PO #

RDI create defective purchase orders

Re-order when QOH is equal to Order Point

Receiving report (RRP) prints cancelled/deleted items

Receiving report (RRP) receives kit components

Rounding Rule to use for ordering multiple

Run RRV after RVC

Smart WinPUR item lookup by Sku, Mfg Part #, Alt Part #"

Store specific fields to copy to synchronize with other stores (MVR)

True Value apply broken carton charge to PO's created by RSO

True Value broken carton charge percent

Update 'Fill Rate' in MVR during receiving (with RRP-option F)?

Use item level PO Backorder flag in Purchasing & Receiving

Use Landed Cost in Receiving?

Warn if Posting Alternate Part Number

WinMPO - Apply cost change to all instances of the item?

WinPUR- Sku/Part lookup method for Inventory Viewer